
I am a Ph.D. candidate working in the field of ocean acoustics and fisheries sciences. I have an affinity for programming and a passion for data analysis and visualization. I am interested in applying my knowledge of ocean acoustics and instrumentation to study biodiversity in the Arctic.


Sounds travels much better than light underwater. Therefore, we can use sound to see underwater. Sonars can be used to emit sounds waves through the water at different frequency. After a sound wave is reflected off a target (fish, zooplankton, microstuctures) it contains information about the target’s properties. In addition, the information varies depending on the frequency of the sound wave. I primarily work towards improving and expanding the way we use active acoustic data. Lately, I have been working on using echosounders (a type of sonar) installed on autonomous ocean-going vehicles to improve our knowledge of the distribution and composition of fish and zooplankton in the ocean. My background is in physical oceanography and acoustical oceanography. I am experienced with programing and I continue pursuing opportunities that requires oceanographic expertise while seeking new challenges.