
AZKABAN-light 2022

During my PhD I lead a field campaign, AZKABAN-light (Arrested Zooplankton Kept Alive for Broadband Acoustic Net light experiment) during which we built a purpose-built mesocosm species for acoustic experiments in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard during the polar night in January 2022. Fieldwork collaboration with Chelsey McGowan-Yallop and Stig Falk-Petersen. Photo taken by Malin Daase.

Master’s fieldwork 1

The frame before being deployed for a month in the Bay of Fundy and the team who help deploy, prepare and build it. Grand Passage, September 2018. (Left to right: Len Zedel, Greg Trowse, Mark Downey, Muriel Dunn and Richard Cheel.)

Drifter fieldwork

Deploying eight drifters to study tidal currents and estuarine residence times in Grappler Inlet, Bamfield, BC during Bachelor final year project (February 2015). Left to right: Muriel Dunn and Mark Halverson.